The Cause Collection

Thinker's Vision

Right on the Money!
Initiation by Quotation
Responses to Violence
Meet the Artist
How Green Is Our Time?
The Key
National Interest
Saving Grace
Forgive Them!
How Now?
Global Warming
Master Peace
New Glory
A New Age
Language Art
A Conscious Effort
Wisdom of Harmony
Decent Exposure
Face of Freedom
Yesterday's News
Thinker's Vision

This side is entitled Thinker's Vision, for its simulated stone composition is similar to what Auguste Rodin's The Thinker might perceive in the peripheral vision of his left eye: the large fingers of the right hand resting on the forehead (unseen) in the upper right foreground, and the left hand resting on the knee in the lower leftThinker’s Vision semi-foreground. In the middle ground nearby, there is a small figure of a Buddha upon a cross, looking up at the viewer over His left shoulder. He represents an independent thinker who has achieved a state of perfect enlightenment, capable of infinite and harmonious expansion on both the horizontal and vertical planes. The cross is rooted in a tri-colored hexagon: red and violet are the extremes of the spectrum, and green - compounded of blue and yellow, Heaven and Earth combined, forms the mystic color; also combining the cold blue light of the intellect with the emotional warmth of the yellow sun to produce the wisdom of equality, hope, renewal of life, and resurrection.

Here each hexagon represents a trinity of cells: monastic, biological, and the honeybee comb. They all possess a binary triplicate coloring system that emanates from a central point behind the shaft of the key on the right. The hexagons are arranged as seven sets of four in each progressive semicircular band: four referring to the original four elements, seven referring to the number of components within the three series (color, harmonics, and chakras), and the total of twenty-eight referring to the number of days in both the lunar and menstrual cycles. Here a color from each of the three series claims two inner surfaces within each hexagon: the color of the two surfaces emanating from the central point corresponds to the color series (red-passion, orange-splendor, yellow-intuition, green-renewal, blue-truth, indigo-wisdom, and violet-knowledge), the color of the two surfaces facing counter clockwise represents the harmonic series (red-C, orange-D, violet-E, yellow-F, green-G, indigo-A, and blue-B), and the color of the two surfaces facing clockwise represents the chakra series (red-root, green-sacral, orange-solar plexus, blue-heart, indigo-throat, yellow-third eye, and violet-crown).

Incidentally, the cell beneath the crucifix was the first to be painted with its three colors. From that one point the entire pattern fell into place, repeating every seven bands. By surprising coincidence, all three series synchronized within four blue cells at the center of the composition near the end of the key's golden bit. It created an opportunity to further emphasize this intriguing phenomenon by sculpting a keyhole within three of these monochromatic cells.

Amazingly, the central portion of the obverse ideally accommodated the keyhole into its composition. After pondering the colorful relationships the cells possess around their nuclei, the viewer may consider the colorful trinities of contact connecting all the hexagons, alluding to the fifth element. The viewer might also ponder the possibility of placing this composition to a mirror at a right angle to experience a colorful resonating tunnel vision.


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