


One Man of tolerable Abilities may work great Changes, and accomplish great Affairs among Mankind, if he first forms a good Plan, and . . . makes the Execution of that same Plan his sole Study and Business. – Benjamin Franklin

Self-conquest is the greatest of all victories. – Plato

Most powerful is one who has oneself in one’s own power. – Seneca

Cherish your visions; cherish the music that stirs in your heart, the beauty that forms in your mind, the loveliness that drapes your purest thoughts, for . . .if you remain true to them, your world will at last be built. – James Allen

Remember the . . .

Joy of Originating
Improvement of Talent
Value of Time
Virtue of Patience
Obligation of Duty
Dignity of Simplicity
Wisdom of Economy
Pleasure of Kindness
Worth of Character
Influence of Example
Success of Perseverance.

And that small groups of thoughtful,
dedicated people change the world.

Observe one's thoughts, words, and deeds.
Discern whether they are indeed harmoniously congruent for goodness sake.
Be mindful of the spirits that act accordingly.

The Ultimate Challenge
How much can I love?
How good can I be?
How great is my humility?

To the Powers that Be
What is Your will for me today?
Where shall I go? How long shall I stay?
Whom shall I meet along the way?
How shall I serve in the roll that I play?
- Russo & Pino

© 199-2002 Parkinson Pino, Creativity within Reason, All rights reserved.