The Cause Collection

Face of Freedom

Right on the Money!
Initiation by Quotation
Responses to Violence
Meet the Artist
How Green Is Our Time?
The Key
National Interest
Saving Grace
Forgive Them!
How Now?
Global Warming
Master Peace
New Glory
A New Age
Language Art
A Conscious Effort
Wisdom of Harmony
Decent Exposure
Face of Freedom
Yesterday's News
Thinker's Vision

Face of Freedom
now benefiting: Amnesty International of the USA

This work was influenced by both a painting and a sculpture. A poster of a graphic portrait by Chuck Close arrived in the mail along with an invitation to an opening. Cramped for wall-space in my cluttered studio, I folded the poster in half and placed a mirror beside it at a right angle. The mirror provided an illusion of depth, allowing the viewer to witness the image's subtle change of expression while experiencing various vantage points. The use of a mirror offers additional benefits: one needs only half the materials, spends only half the production time, is unconcerned with replicating symmetrical accuracy, witnesses its semicircular grid become a radiant concentric pattern emanating from right between the eyes, and the finished work graces the often neglected corners of rooms or galleries. Having decided upon a style, an approach, and a clever innovation, all that was needed was an interesting subject to make a particular statement.

The face of Auguste Bartholdi's Statue of Liberty inspired the creation of this face of Freedom. However, this face's pupil-less eyes are reminiscent of those in sculptures of the Classical Period where such details were painted directly on polished stone. As a painting of a seemingly ancient colossal sculpture, this piece symbolizes the preeminent worship of Freedom by countless civilized generations. Unlike Liberty's copper tinge, Freedom's gilded complexion denotes sacredness, honor, and durability. Its radiant crown represents the highest attainment of power and energy contained in the head, the seat of the life-soul. Radiating from this circle of continuity are seven spikes representing security, plenty, and perfection. It also suggests that Freedom itself be one of the Seven Wonders of the World. The swirling colors in the deep blue background encircling Freedom allude to its infinite dynamism of constancy.

Years later, this work inspired another original creation entitled
Liberty & Justice For All.

One wonders:

  • What distinguishes freedom from liberty or independence?

  • Does an independence-oriented culture acknowledge both the freedom of irresponsibility and the freedom of discipline?

  • Is independence actually conceivable in a naturally symbiotic world?

  • Given the privilege, what are you doing with your freedom?

Enjoy the lyrics of Free Spirit

© 1999-2003 Parkinson Pino, Creativity within Reason, All rights reserved.